Title of Presentation: Implementing local content regulations and policies into mining operations


  1. How have local content policies changes in Zambia over the past 5 years?

We are aware that the government of the republic of Zambia has recently launched a local content Policy and  Strategy to promote inclusive and sustainable growth through increased use of locally available goods and services in development sectors. It has been acknowledged that in order to achieve positive outcomes of local content policies, there must be an overall coherence between these policies and other development policies. Basic level implementation of local content policies can be observed from the various mining companies and more recently, the Zambia Mining Local Content Initiative aims to build on lessons learned from past programmes that aimed at strengthening backward and forward linkages between mines and the local enterprises. The programme aims to enhance local content and the use of locally manufactured inputs in the mining industry. To do this, the initiative aims at having a clear definition of local and synthesis of the factors that contribute to strategies that are more coherent.

  1. What are the next steps to incorporating local content policies into mining operations?

Joint venture

The general view is that, incorporating  local content into mining operations means incorporation of “business unusual”….. meaning that mining operations must be willing to do things a little bit outside of their “normal”. It will take development of deliberate programmes that will integrate local businesses into the mining supply chain, providing for high quality local employment and maintaining/developing local procurement guidelines and rules for goods and services that are readily available (or with potential to be available with capacitation?). There needs to be careful thought as to how to increase local participation through follow up of recommendations/action points that will arise from this conference and others before. We also see great value in each stakeholder becoming accountable to the things that need to be done. Therefore, we urge that through this conference, we identify clear building blocks for work to be undertaken and outline steps and a framework to actualising local content policies.

  1. What can delegates expect from your session at ZIMEC?

We expect the delegates to appreciate that striking the balance between maintaining target production levels in a fast moving industry requires local industry that is highly capacitated and responsive to the needs of the mining industry and must be equal to the task. This is because our type of mining is 24/7 and hence servicing of goods and services has to be guaranteed continuously.

  1. What are you most looking forward to at ZIMEC?

We look forward to a more in-depth understanding of the mining sector in Zambia and in the region relative to topical issues such as local content, stakeholder engagement, operational excellence and innovation. We also look forward to constructive networking and potential for future collaboration in activities of mutual interest.

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