Zambia Monitor

We are an online newspaper bringing fresh perspectives to latest stories and developments in Zambia, using multi-media tools.

We recognize that in the age of festering disinformation, access to credible intelligence, driven by data and fact- based reporting, is critical to building resilient and sustainable societies.

We are, therefore, passionate about data, the environment, human rights and developmental journalism, but not without a commitment to holding leadership accountable to the people.
Beyond our invaluable contributions to policy and governance, our pursuit for equity and justice for all Zambians also finds vent in giving a voice to the under-represented and most vulnerable.

We pledge responsible journalism and hold true the maxim that, ‘Opinions are free but facts, sacred.’ Our culture is defined by this understanding, with a promise to deliver all sides to a story.

Gain deeper insights into Zambia, welcome to Zambia Monitor.